• retrieve old blog posts

    Hi, for nostalgic purposes I would like to see my old xanga blog posts. I can view my old xanga subscription emails but I can't seem to get my old posts I wrote myself. My username was YellowcardBoy11 and later changed to Palmtrees_and_Powerlines11 at some point. Is there anyway I can see my old posts? I would love to look back to 10 years. Thank you!

1 Answer best answer

  • Hi there,

    Your blog posts for http://yellowcardboy11.xanga.com/ have been archived... they are saved and available for a free download!

    You can download them by signing in here:

    When you have a copy of your blog posts on your own computer, you can do one of two things:

    1. Upload your archives to another site that's compatible with your blog archives.

    WordPress.com is one such free site... more information on how to import your archives into WP here: http://en.support.wordpress.com/import/import-from-xanga/

    2. Upgrade your account to Xanga 2.0, and continue blogging on Xanga.
    You can use PayPal (can also pay via credit card through this page) to purchase a one-year membership for Xanga 2.0: http://bit.ly/1dcERuj

    If you choose this option please forward your Paypal confirmation email along with your username to help@xanga.net, we will get your site upgraded ASAP.

    I also checked out your site http://palmtrees-and-powerlines11.xanga.com/, and noticed that your blog didn't meet the criteria we had for generating a blog archive.

    That said, we still have the original hard drives with old blogs on them and are looking into plugging them in and generating new archives for older blogs like yours.

    No need to do anything. Thanks for your patience as we work on migrating over more archives!

    Eugenia at xanga.com


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