• I would like my previous blog format/theme.

    Hello, I am pleased to have my blog back. However, my post content languishes in the center third of the blog screen. Before the 'migration' to WordPress, my blog content occupied the right 2/3's of the screen. My images are now cut off on their right edge (a good 1/4 of the image). Many of these images contain copy and so squeezing the image in the editing window to the left distorts them makes them unreadable. The entire right third of the blog page all the way down to the bottom is completely empty and I would like to have that space availabel for my blog content like in 'the olden days'. Otherwise I will have to edit every single image in my 300+ blog postings and I really would prefer not to do this. Is it possible to reclaim this unused space in my newly migrated blog? Your help in this is greatly appreciated.


    LynnA. Williams

1 Answer best answer

  • I just visited your site and see what you mean!

    We're working right now on a new theme customization system, so you can fix your site layout... we hope to have it ready in a week or two!


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