how to upgrade to Xanga 2.0?
I would like to retrieve my archieve, both the old and new. However, now i could only save my old ones. When I click into the "Upgrade to Xanga 2.0" button, it shows "There is no app configured at that hostname. Perhaps the app owner has renamed it, or you mistyped the URL." I didn't make any payment to be a member, however if this is what I have to do to get back my new posts, I would. But I don't know how :(
4 Answers
best answer
Hi there,
Your blog posts for hhttp://katiekittyks.xanga.com/ are saved and available for a free download!
You can download them by signing in here: http://xanga.com/wp-login.php
When you have a copy of your blog posts on your own computer, you can do one of two things:
1. Upload your archives to another site that's compatible with your blog archives.
WordPress.com is one such free site... more information on how to import your archives into WP here: http://en.support.wordpress.com/import/import-from-xanga/
2. Upgrade your account to Xanga 2.0, and continue blogging on Xanga.
You can use PayPal (can also pay via credit card through this page) to purchase a one-year membership for Xanga 2.0: http://bit.ly/1dcERujIf you choose this option please forward your Paypal confirmation email along with your username to help@xanga.net, we will get your site upgraded ASAP.
Eugenia at xanga.com -
I have downloaded my blog archieves, however there are only posts before 18/8/2013. Where can i download those after that time?
Do you recall how many posts you wrote after 8/18/2013? I believe there is known bug that didn't include the posts made after the 3rd week of August 2013 in the original Xanga archives.
Eugenia -
I believe there are quite a lot of posts, maybe around 150 :( Does it mean that I cannot get them back even if I upgrade to Xanga 2.0 ? Is there anything that I can do?
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